DGN Conversion
Format Conversion offers you DGN (i.e. MicroStation) conversion services, thus enabling you to convert scanned images of paper documents, hand-drawn plans and files of almost any format into accurate DGN format. We are a 9001:2000 compliant company, working with A/E/C (Architectural, Engineering and Contractor) companies across the globe.
Our trained CAD experts can successfully vectorize scanned drawings, pictures, blueprints, PDF, JPEG or files in any format. Our in-house experts use our proprietary process to maintain accuracy.
At Format Conversion, we manage the data assigned to us by using a combination of labor-intensive skills and up-to-date technology. We can provide you with the converted files within the same day or overnight without any extra charge.
Most CAD conversion companies rely exclusively on auto-vectorization software to convert your data. These tools lack flexibility and are not dimensionally accurate.
We prepare the final output according to the dimensions specified on the drawings or as mentioned by the client and make sure it’s 100% dimensionally accurate. The images that are converted by auto-vectorization may not be dimensionally accurate, as they are automatically converted and are not customized according to the specific requirements of the customer.
We transform the images to give you a dimensionally accurate image that is customized to your needs. The main advantage of vector images is that they can be enlarged to any size, without loss of clarity. Hence, they are ideal for images that need to be enlarged.